What is an Emergency?
Medical conditions that should be referred to an emergency clinic if we are unable to treat includes (other situations may apply):
- Pet is un-responsive
- Trauma: Hit by car, crush injuries, degloving injuries, head trauma, burns, serious wounds from
- altercations with other animals
- Respiratory distress
- Heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure
- Fluid build-up in chest, abdomen, or around heart
- Poisoning (ingestion of toxic substances)
- Envenomation (snake bite, spider bite, bee and/or wasp stings)
- Seizures
- Immune mediated diseases
- Bleeding – Clotting disorders
- Bloat / foreign body ingestion
- Sepsis (severe infection)
- Unable to urinate – difficulty urinating / crying out while urinating
- Dehydration – severe diarrhea / vomiting
- Heat exhaustion
- Chemotherapy reactions
Emergency center treatments may include: Emergency surgery, IV fluid therapy, pain management, blood transfusion, mechanical ventilation (respirators) or administration of oxygen, CPR and post-resuscitation life support, blood work – blood gas analysis, blood pressure monitoring and control, wound management, advanced observation and nursing care.